visitors since 2.00pm on 28th november 08

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


19th august..early in the morning...when i got on my feet..and walked to the foyer...i saw people were looking on the notice board located outside the admin block...i was really really panic because i thought JUNE O LEVEL have been i look at the board...uh...rupanya it was just list of groups for "ACCELERATING LEARNING COURSE FOR 20TH AND 21ST OF AUGUST"....suspendet bnar!!

at the same time..i saw cg azman and sir sam were busy setting up the PA system in the assembly area....urgh.."assembly lgi..tau udh kasut ku ada strip putih"..

then..nda btah atu cgu azman said..."diminta kpada smua menengah lima supaya turun untuk mendengar briefing untuk esok"..

after rushing to my class...sending all my stuff..i went back down wif my company<as stated by sir pai>...ahaha..

uhh...sesampai nya d sna...5 sci was the only class amongst all the class yg lambat!!...ahaha...
not much yg kna gtau..just about things that we need to bring such as.."all the text book of core subjects and all the scienceS...pencil colours and...prayer stuffs"...o yea...interestingly...lunch and tea break will be provided...

1 comment:

Nadhirah said...

meer, check my blog. u'r nominated..