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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


from left: zulfadli,aaron,rozie and aldrin

17th june 08...FINALLY,training for TUTONG PSK CONTINGENT was just just over...huhh!!!...and YEPPEEEE~...cyok ee...nda payah lgii hard,as usual we start our session with took 1 hour 15 min to end that session...GILA!!ngaleh x aa...the fitness include jogging,sprinting,100x scoting,100x push up,duck walk,frog jumping and main sikut2 urng and truz buat scoting time nyikut urng aa.......then...after tht...we were given a rest..
c rynol and c fashli

after the rest...the most favourite session of mine...what was it??.....BEGAMBAR!!!....ehee....

nana in action

photographing session


for after about 20 minute begambar...we continued our rest for about 5-10 minutes...hmm...after that...KUMITE START....huhh!!!..tiring....

then...after "FUN" blocking attack and attacked by C ALDRIN...and 20 tiimes blocking and 20 times attacking all of the KARATEKA....we end our session......hahhh!!!...

shito-ryu dojo

shotokan dojo

for the last session...we were given a game to test our MIND,SPIRIT as well as our making circle and passing a ball to other people...kira mcm main "ambuk" laa nie... this post,i would like to thanks my SENSEIs for teaching me to be a FIGHTER..especially SENSEI NASRAN...for giving me ADVICE ,MOTIVATION and TIPS....not to forget.SENSEI HASSAN AND SENSEI PG JAYA for teaching me some technics for fightting and performing KATA....

sensei nasran(centre) and sensei pg jaya(right)..

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